Until I Die #12024-07-03T07:32:02-04:00

Until I Die #1

Cover of Until I Die 7 book by DAN ROBBO & JACK FITZ featuring a mysterious figure standing in a dark forest, with glowing eyes peering through the shadows.
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King: A Kane Odyssey #12024-06-20T08:12:04-04:00

King: A Kane Odyssey #1

Descendants of legendary heroes Achilles and Odysseus must rise to defend their kingdom from the Dragon-Witch Queen and her demon horde. Five-year-old Prince Kane escapes the carnage and embarks on a perilous odyssey to reclaim his birthright.

My Name Is Andy #5 – Reid2024-06-12T10:47:20-04:00

My Name Is Andy #5 – Reid

Embark on a whirlwind journey as Andy transforms into NYC firefighter Reid for 24 hours, encounters a fun and unexpected mission, and unearths a significant piece of history.

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My Name Is Andy #4 – Edgar

In New York City, Andy inhabits Edgar’s life, navigates enigmatic clues, and aims to help a friend with his existential dilemma.

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