Dan’s Pursuit of Justice: Unveiling Betrayal and Revenge in the Battle Against Jack’s Empire

Dan Robbo has always played by the rules of those in power, from singing their songs to eliminating their enemies. But when the woman who truly loved him is ruthlessly taken from him, something inside Dan snaps. With his world turned upside down, he’s no longer driven by loyalty, but by a relentless pursuit of justice. As shadows from his past resurface, Dan’s mission becomes clear: to dismantle the corrupt power that destroyed his life, even if it means risking everything.

Creative Team:

Writer: Jason Sterr
Cover Art: Steve Rude & Simon Fraser
Interior Art: Yosam Cardenas
Letters By: Greg Sorkin
Book Design By Phil Smith

Protecting Destiny: Auriella and Azrael’s Perilous Journey to Safeguard Their Unborn Child

“The Silver Phoenix is the most exciting installment yet. Confession: I’m tearing up a little as I write this, because it means I’ve reached the end of book six and book seven has not yet arrived. I’m not going to give any spoilers (if I can avoid it) but WOW. Reading this I was happy, sad, worried, thrilled… this book will take you all over. Baby is as wonderful and snarky as ever Azrael is strong and cheeky. Auriella really comes FULLY into her own, as strength she didn’t know she had is pulled out of her. Let’s just say … you’ll find a lot of answers and a lot of love in this sixth book.”

– Liliyana

In a world over which celestial powers battle the shadows of darkness, Auriella and Azrael embark on a perilous journey across Asia, Europe, and the oceans in between, desperately seeking refuge in the Inner Sanctuary—their only hope of salvation from the relentless legions that hunt them. As Auriella’s unborn child grows, so does the danger, with the child’s immense potential threatening even the Immortals themselves. Facing betrayal, torture, and death at every turn, they navigate treacherous paths, gathering stories and wisdom from the Watchers who accompany them.

With time running out and her powers dormant as her baby grows, Auriella is forced to make an impossible choice to keep Starfire—the source of boundless power—out of the hands of the dark lord, Erebus. Drawing on an inner strength she never knew she possessed, she fights not just for her life, but for the fate of all who stand against the encroaching darkness.

Written By Deirdra Eden

Posted: September 9, 2024
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