My Name Is Andy Book 1

My Name Is Andy Book 1


Every morning at 6:00 a.m., Andy wakes up in New York City and asks three questions: Where am I? Who am I? What is my mission today?

Like a guiding spirit, Andy infuses New York’s sense of community and grit in the people they help and inhabit, making the city better, one person at a time, together—that’s the key.

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For his entire career, Dan Robbo has sung the songs the labels wrote, starred in the movies the studios produced, and assassinated the dictators the CIA wanted dead. After crossing paths with the most powerful man in the world-if he's going to survive-he's going to have to do things his way. Writer: Jason Sterr Cover Art: Steve Rude & Simon Fraser Interior Art: Yosam Cardenas Letters By: Greg Sorkin Book Design By Phil Smith
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