Lina’s Fury2024-05-23T06:58:39-04:00

Lina’s Fury

Cover Art by: Alex Pernau

LINA HALLOW, a sixteen-year old suburban high school student, is brutally attacked by MILES FARBER, a fellow classmate obsessed with Lina.  Lina’s family is killed in the assault but Lina survives.  Recovering from her physical and emotional wounds, Lina looks to the courts to get justice for her family.  But when Myles is freed on a technicality, Lina’s thirst for vengeance grows.  Turning to the dark arts, Lina summons three ancient FURIES, a trio of supernatural sisters, banished to the Underworld millennia ago.  In their day, the furies brought vengeance on those who had wronged others.  Lina begs them to take bloody revenge on Myles.  But Myles flees town before they can punish him. Lina resolves to hunt Myles down and make him pay for what he did to her and her family.  Grateful to Lina for having freed them, the furies agree to accompany her.  They may be back in the land of the living, but it is a modern world they do not understand.   They need Lina’s help to navigate a world of cell phones, memes, online dating and social justice.  And so the four women set out on a cross-country quest.  Along their path, the furies encounter other lost and broken souls who need their help.  But Lina will discover that justice and revenge are two different things.  And as Lina’s once kind heart grows colder and darker, the furies ironically begin to discover the beauty and promise in humanity.   Will Lina get her revenge, and if she does, will she lose her soul?  Will the furies become force for good or harbinger for the end of days?  

Until I Die2024-06-25T15:10:38-04:00

Until I Die

Cover of Until I Die 7 book by DAN ROBBO & JACK FITZ featuring a mysterious figure standing in a dark forest, with glowing eyes peering through the shadows.

Read Comics Here:

Until I Die #1

In a gripping tale of espionage and betrayal, a journalist uncovers dark secrets from Dan Robbo and the Rat Pack's CIA past, challenging his moral compass in the pursuit of truth.

Until I Die #2

Dan Robbo's chaotic mission to assassinate Sri Lanka's Prime Minister hints at deeper CIA troubles, while in 1998, he faces intense scrutiny from a journalist, exposing the high cost of his pursuit of fame and power.

Until I Die #3

Dan Robbo, a man who has always lived by others' rules, finds himself at the heart of a deadly conspiracy involving the President. The duties he can't escape and his love for Beatrice both weigh heavily upon him, unraveling the world he knows. As the pressure builds, Dan must decide whether to follow orders or forge his own path before everything he holds dear shatters.

Time Trader2024-05-23T06:58:28-04:00

Time Trader

Cover of 'The Time Trader' by Jason Alexander - a science fiction novel with a mysterious time-traveling protagonist.

Written, Created, and Lettered by MICHAEL DOLCE
Cover B by Soussherpa

About Time Trader

What if you could get a do-over in life whenever you wanted? For Dylan Sharpe, that question isn’t fantasy – it’s reality! Dylan has the power to rewind time on command and he’s dead set on using it to achieve fame and fortune. But Dylan has a problem: every get-rich-quick scheme he tries backfires horribly. Play the lottery? The numbers always change. Bet on sports? The outcome changes too. Dylan’s debts quickly pile up so he moves his operation to the New York Stock Exchange in a last-ditch effort to cash in – only to find not everything is as it appears to be.

Ketcher Origins2024-05-23T06:58:27-04:00

Ketcher Origins

A comic book cover of "Ketcher Origins" chapter 1 by KAUFMAN, SCOTT, DJALAL & KWOK

Original price was: $1.99.Current price is: $0.00.Add to cart

Author – Mark Kaufman
Inks – Greg Scott & Heru Djalal
Colors – Annette Kwok
Letters – Nick Acosta

About Making Markum

When Doc, an assassin and hard-luck gambler, wagers his last few bucks on a Markum, a bare-knuckle brawler who fights out of a dingy basement in Morocco, the bet pays off in more ways than one, leading Doc to make Markum an offer that will take his violent lifestyle to the next level.

Read Comics Here:

King: A Kane Odyssey #2

August 14th, 2024|

After a devastating attack wipes out his family, young Kane embarks on an unknown journey. Guided by a mysterious elder, the young prince must navigate through despair and danger brought upon by wild beasts and ruthless soldiers out to get him.

Until I Die #3

August 14th, 2024|

Dan Robbo, a man who has always lived by others' rules, finds himself at the heart of a deadly conspiracy involving the President. The duties he can't escape and his love for Beatrice both weigh heavily upon him, unraveling the world he knows. As the pressure builds, Dan must decide whether to follow orders or forge his own path before everything he holds dear shatters.

The Time Trader #3

August 11th, 2024|

Lured into a high-stakes game by a powerful figure, Dylan must confront the devastating consequences of his time-bending abilities and unravel dark secrets before it's too late.

The Watchers Book 5: White Dragons

July 30th, 2024|

Auriella and Azrael face their most daunting challenge as all the Watchers unite at the Eastern Sanctuary to confront the dark forces of Erebus. Amidst the chaos of war and wedding plans, Auriella leads her kin against ruthless adversaries, discovering that their forbidden love endangers the very safety of Starfire.



Cover of comic book 'Kane' featuring a man holding an axe.
Kingdom of Tundo2024-05-23T06:58:26-04:00

Kingdom of Tundo

The cover of Kingdom of Tundo featuring a man and a woman standing together, hinting at a horor storyline by 'M. A. Del Rosario'.

Original price was: $1.99.Current price is: $0.00.Add to cart

Written, Illustrated and Created
by M. A. Del Rosrio
Design: Phil Smith

About Kingdom of Tundo:

The Kingdom of Tundo is the last bastion of magic in the world of Mayi, but the land is dying, and only the last scion of the Dula bloodline can save it. Bunao Dula returns to the land his father ruled centuries ago as he tries to redeem it from the chaos of the Shadows, the corruptors of humankind. Together with Myth-folk allies, he tries to unite Tundo and revive it to the glory that it once was. This is epic fantasy, Filipino style.

Read Comics Here:

Kingdom of Tundo Vol 1

The lost son of a benevolent ruler embarks on a perilous journey back to his homeland to right the treachery of his brothers and heal a land on the brink of ruin. In the vein of LORD OF THE RINGS, this is epic fantasy – Filipino style!

Roman’s Rise2024-05-23T06:58:25-04:00

Roman’s Rise

Cover of Roman's Rise, featuring a dramatic illustration of a Roman soldier in battle.

Original price was: $1.99.Current price is: $0.00.Add to cart


ROMAN RHODES is the guy you want on your side when the sh$t goes down… standing behind you when the sh%t hits the fan… or leading the way into a total sh*tstorm. Roman is a podcaster in Los Angeles, seeking out the weird and mysterious. He loves a good story, a fair fight, and an American beer.  His fists are almost as fast as his mouth and both of them frequently get him into trouble. He makes his money doing his podcast but also working as a soldier-of-fortune, doing the jobs no one else can do (or don’t have the stones for). Roman’s fighting skills are courtesy of the martial arts tutelage of his half-sister, REN.

Roman discovered he had a Chinese half-sister when she was first brought to his home in Barstow, California when they were both teenagers.  The two formerly only children quickly bonded over baseball and Kung Fu.  What Roman didn’t know at the time was that Ren was smuggled to America to keep her hidden from SHEN WU, a powerful Chinese demigod. Shen Wu murdered Ren’s mother and destroyed her village in an effort to abduct Ren. Fueled by supernatural powers, Shen Wu has a darker plan for both China and the entire world, a stratagem that mysteriously requires Ren and her hidden inner force.  She’s the Chosen One (or “some other crazy sh#t”, as Roman would say.)

Roman doesn’t have much time for Chinese myths or immortal warlords.  But he loves his sister fiercely.  So much so that he accompanies her to Las Vegas and becomes embroiled in an illegal boxing ring at her request.  Ren felt drawn to Sin City for some unknown reason.  But when she realizes that Shen Wu has finally tracked her down, Ren, in an effort to keep Roman safe, goes on the run alone.  She wants to protect him from the dark spirits that serve Shen Wu… and her own burgeoning magical abilities she is just beginning to understand.

But Roman is not the kind of guy to let his baby sister fight the forces of evil all by herself.  She may be the Chosen One but she’s still his kid sister.  If Roman kicked the crap out of the teenage jock who made a clumsy pass at her at a rager in high school, he’s not gonna let some half-assed deity in mortal form try to kill her.  Roman uses his podcast listeners as a vast network of informants to procure leads on Ren or Shen Wu’s whereabouts.  If he finds Ren first, she gets a hug.  If he finds Shen Wu first, he gets the ass-kicking of his thousand-year-long life.  Either way, Roman is drinking a beer that night with a big fat smile on his face and a Bon Jovi song in his heart.

ROMAN’S RISE is a deep dive into Chinese mysticism and action-adventure, anchored by the incredible bond between a brother and sister.  They would literally die for each other.  But, if Roman can fight off the hordes of hell, locate Ren and help her achieve her destiny, maybe they can make the bad guys dead instead.  Way better ending.

Hang on to your ear pods, kids.  Sh$t’s about to get unreal.

MacBryde & Grüm2024-05-23T06:58:25-04:00

MacBryde & Grüm

MacBryde & Grum Vol 1 by 'Steven Hoveke, Michael Oppeneimer, Joyhn J. Hill'. A comic book cover featuring the title, MacBryde & Grum, with vibrant artwork and characters.

Author – Steven Hoveke
Art – Michael Oppenheimer
Letters – John J. Hill

About MacBryde & Grüm

Angus MacBryde has seen things in his life. Dark things. However, when he decides to get into the P.I. business with his partner, who just so happens to be a nearly 7-foot-tall ogre, things are bound to get just a little crazier than you might normally expect.

MacBryde & Grüm Vol 1

Angus MacBryde, a private investigator with a mystical history and his partner, Grum, a seven foot tall wise-cracking but insightful Ogre from another dimension. Together they navigate the murky realm of the supernatural, where spirits and zombies collide with the everyday lives.

MacBryde & Grüm #5

In a realm of mystic intrigue, Mac and Grum unravel the book's arcane secrets, triggering heightened danger. Confrontations, cryptic motives, and shadowy figures weave a sinister tapestry in this final issue of volume 1.

MacBryde & Grüm #3

In the shadowy corners of a millionaire's mansion, a sinister plot unfolds. Angus MacBryde, the mystical detective, and Grum, his wise-cracking ogre partner, are plunged into a chilling investigation where occult rituals and dark ambitions threaten to tear the fabric of reality.

MacBryde & Grüm #2

In the shadowy corners of a millionaire's mansion, a sinister plot unfolds. Angus MacBryde, the mystical detective, and Grum, his wise-cracking ogre partner, are plunged into a chilling investigation where occult rituals and dark ambitions threaten to tear the fabric of reality.



Comic book cover for "Makena 1" with two women and a man, showcasing dynamic characters in action-packed scenes written by "Will MeldMan".
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