MacBryde & Grüm #22024-01-30T15:08:35-05:00

MacBryde & Grüm #2

macbryde & grum vol 2 by 'Hoveke, Barrero, Oppenheimer, Peteri'. A colorful album cover featuring the title "macbryde & grum vol 2" in bold letters against a vibrant background.

In the shadowy corners of a millionaire’s mansion, a sinister plot unfolds. Angus MacBryde, the mystical detective, and Grum, his wise-cracking ogre partner, are plunged into a chilling investigation where occult rituals and dark ambitions threaten to tear the fabric of reality.

Kane #52024-01-24T20:22:55-05:00

Kane #5

Comic book cover featuring two men and a woman in action poses, set against a dynamic cityscape backdrop by WILL MELDMAN.

The 48-page thrilling conclusion to the Kane Volume 1 saga!

Makena #12024-01-23T17:23:30-05:00

Makena #1

Comic book cover for "Makena 1" with two women and a man, showcasing dynamic characters in action-packed scenes written by "Will MeldMan".

Makena is living as a young girl at an orphanage owned by Global Corps. When her best friend is mysteriously taken away from her, she must investigate the situation. Makena will find herself in circumstances that defy reality as she knows it.

Kane #42024-01-24T20:23:56-05:00

Kane #4

Man holding large axe on cover of Kane, intense and powerful image created by WILL MELDMAN

Kane meets new allies and adversaries in this thrilling adventure to the South American jungle. He discovers an ancient temple with divine secrets, and must face the vicious mercenaries of Global Corps militia forces. What will he uncover and how does he overcome these death-defying odds?

The Watchers Book 2: Hidden Fire2024-01-31T16:34:02-05:00

The Watchers Book 2: Hidden Fire

Cover of 'The Watchers Book 2: Hidden Fire' - a captivating fantasy novel with mysterious elements.

In the enthralling sequel “Hidden Fire,” Deirdra Eden continues the saga of Auriella, now a royal protector whose life teeters on the edge of chaos. Ignored by a king more concerned with politics than impending danger, she is thrust into a world where her warnings of the Shadow Legion’s invasion fall on deaf ears.

Kane #32024-01-23T17:30:50-05:00

Kane #3

Kane and Makena devise a plan to strike back at Globe Corps. During their discussions, they are attacked by a group of highly trained mercenaries at Kane’s cabin. They barely escape with their lives and celebrate their victory together. They seek shelter from their attackers at Kane’s grandfather’s mansion and plot their revenge…

Kane #22024-01-23T17:31:01-05:00

Kane #2

A diverse group of men and women standing together with holding sword on the cover of Kine written and created by WILL MELDMAN.

Kane is visited by a mysterious stranger he follows him hoping to learn about his family’s past. Will it be a trap or will Kane uncover some of the answers he is desperately seeking?

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